What is Static Application Security Testing?

The Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is done to identify the possible vulnerabilities or security issues in non-running source code by using techniques likeTaint Analysis and Data Flow Analysis.

The following components are there in this phase:

  • SAST tools i.e. Flawfinder, Graudit, Bandit, Spotbugs, SonarQube

People involved: Developers

External sources


Why is it important in DevSecOps? 

The Static Application Security Testing phase can be used to identify security issues. For example, taint analysis can identify the variables that can handle the user input and check if vulnerability like buffer overflow can occur.  

What will you learn in this section? 

The user will learn to perform the following tasks

  • Analyze the code of provided web applications for issues

Tools Covered

  • Flawfinder

  • Graudit

  • Bandit

  • Spotbugs

  • SonarQube


  • Flawfinder: Statically Scanning C code

    • A Kali machine is provided to the user with the FlawFinder installed on it. The source code for three sample web applications is provided in the home directory of the root user.

      Objective: Scan the source code using FlawFinder utility and find the security issues!

  • Graudit: Hunting Sensitive Information

    • A Kali machine is provided to the user with Graudit installed on it. The source code for a sample web application is provided in the home directory of the root user.

      Objective: Scan the source code using Graudit utility and find the security issues!

  • Bandit: Scanning Python Code for Issues

    • A Kali machine is provided to the user with Bandit installed on it. The source code for the web application is provided in the home directory of the root user.

      Objective: Scan the code using bandit utility and find the security issues!

  • Spotbugs: Finding Bugs in Java Code

    • A Kali machine is provided to the user. The source code for three web applications is provided in the home directory of the root user.

      Objective: Find bugs in the source code of web applications using the Spotbugs tool.

  • SonarQube: Continuous Code Quality Monitoring

    • A Kali machine and a SonarQube server are provided in the lab. The SonarQube scanner client is installed on the Kali machine that will scan the web application and push the results to the SonarQube server machine where it can be accessed by the user in the form of reports.

      Objective: Use SonarQube to perform the static code analysis on the application and find issues!

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Flawfinder: Statically Scanning C code

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Graudit: Hunting Sensitive Information

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Bandit: Scanning Python Code for Issues

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Spotbugs: Finding Bugs in Java Code

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SonarQube: Continuous Code Quality ...

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Brakeman: Finding Bugs in Ruby on Rails

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NodeJs Scan: Finding Bugs in NodeJs Code

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CodeSake dawn: Finding bugs in Ruby Code

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RIPS: Statically Scanning PHP Code